Hack The Box: Legacy

Synopsis: Legacy is a super straightforward Windows XP box with an SMB vulnerability. Some googling and the application of a Metasploit module gets your user and root. Enumerating ports/OS and some googling gives all the necessary information for exploitation.

Our nmap scan reveals two open ports (139, 445) which is SMB. Also of interest is that this is a Windows XP machine which means finding an exploit wont be difficult.

Our nmap scan reveals two open ports (139, 445) which is SMB. Also of interest is that this is a Windows XP machine which means finding an exploit wont be difficult.

Some googling turned up this Metasploit module. Full disclosure I tried the msf’s eternal blue exploit first but it didn’t seem to like XP.

Some googling turned up this Metasploit module. Full disclosure I tried the msf’s eternal blue exploit first but it didn’t seem to like XP.

got a shell!

got a shell!

user flag.png
Grabbed the user and root flags. Not sure if its XP being so old or if it was the shell I had but things like whoami wouldn’t work and made getting around a bit harder.

Grabbed the user and root flags. Not sure if its XP being so old or if it was the shell I had but things like whoami wouldn’t work and made getting around a bit harder.


Hack The Box: Shocker


Hack The Box: Traverxec